Midsummer Circle with Heathcliff Deadwick - product image
Thursday, Jone 20 at 6pm

Midsummer Circle with Heathcliff Deadwick

Join Heathcliff in a ritual to celebrate Midsummer! The longest day of the year and a time to celebrate the light and abundance in the world. The ritual will honor and give thanks to the sun for the gifts it gives to the earth and will include an offering for continued growth throughout the season.

Heathcliff Deadwick practices eclectic Paganism and deity work. He works primarily with the god Thor and goddess Morrigan, as well as others. He enjoys learning about new topics and is always excited to share his knowledge!

$22 per person.

Thursday, June 20 at 6pm.

Circle will be held at Prescott Park depending on the weather and park event schedule, OR at the Deadwick's Common Room. You will be emailed the location prior to the event.

