Advanced Ancestor Work and Tarot with Jezmina Deadwick - product image
Monday May 27 at 6pm

Advanced Ancestor Work and Tarot with Jezmina Deadwick

This class is for anyone who has taken Beginner Ancestor Work and Tarot and would like to go further with techniques for using your tarot deck for ancestor communication, whether you know who your ancestors are or not. Jezmina Von Thiele was raised within an ancestor tradition reflective of her mixed-Romani heritage, a culture with a deep love of ancestor veneration. While she will refer to her own cultural context at times, the class will present methods for honoring, communing, and communicating with ancestors of all types (human, animal, and plant) no matter your heritage. This class will focus on different exercises and tarot spreads to deepen this work, so bring your tarot deck, as well as a notebook and pen.

You will receive an emailed PDF after the class with notes, so notetaking is encouraged for your own personal reflections and realizations.

Monday, May 27 at 6pm

$44 per person.

This class will take place in the Deadwick's Common Room. It begins at 6pm, and runs approximately an hour and a half. Please enter through the front of Deadwick's upon arrival, at 19 Sheafe St. and allow time for parking.

